Thursday, June 11, 2015

Goin' Buggy!

Congratulations to the 2nd grade students on their wonderful performance of "Goin' Buggy" yesterday! You can view the performances by clicking on the links below:
Goin' Buggy Part 1
Goin' Buggy Part 2

Friday, May 15, 2015

Grade 5 Theme Composition Unit

Students in Grade 5 have been studying themes in music class this month. A theme is a recognizable melody upon which a composition is based. A theme can also be used to characterize a work of music or a character.

In music class, students were placed in groups and asked to compose a theme to represent a different character in the story of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". Students used recorders, xylophones, and unpitched percussion instruments. They also added sound effects using unpitched percussion instruments, and an introduction and coda. This project was useful for helping students build upon their composition skills, which will be assessed at the end of the month.

This week, students had the opportunity to share their work with the 2nd grade classes. Click on the links below to view their performances:
Mrs. Behun's Class (coming soon)
Mrs. Campbell's Class (coming soon)
Mrs. Gilson's Class (coming soon)
Mrs. Vogel's Class (coming soon)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mother's Day Tea

Congratulations to the 4th graders on their beautiful and tear-jerking Mother's Day performance! Click on the links below to hear them express how special their mothers are to them through song:
Kind and Generous
Here Comes the Sun
The Best Day

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Glee Club Performance

Glee Club members took to the stage and performed four numbers last week at an after school concert. These kids really know how to "Shake It Off"! Click on the links below to view videos of each dance:

CT Elementary Honors Choir Festival

Congratulations to Alexandra D., Claudia H., Bethany Q., and Nora S. who represented Peck Place School at the Connecticut Elementary Honors Choir Festival last Friday at the Hartford Convention Center. The students spent the day working with a conductor and performed seven pieces in an afternoon concert to wrap up their experience.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Hot Cross Buns

It's recorder time in 3rd grade! Students began learning recorder techniques a few weeks ago, and have since learned the notes B, A, and G. Click HERE to listen to a performance of "Hot Cross Buns" played by Mrs. Hubley's class. Students will continue to work on reading music using these three notes, as well as producing a warm tone, by using proper breathing techniques and tonguing.

Friday, March 6, 2015

March is "Music In Our Schools" Month!

Why music? Music helps educate the whole student.

Music education shapes the way our students understand themselves and the world around them. It allows for deep engagement with learning. It nurtures assets and skills that are critical to future success, including creativity, curiosity, determination, and motivation. In other words, music helps develop the student behind the score.

Emotional Awareness: Students learn to express themselves in multiple ways and become more sensitive to the preferences and feelings of others.

Reflective Learning: Students reflect on failures and successes through the creative process, and derive a sense of their own competencies, interests, and challenges.

Process Orientation: Students develop the ability to consistently refine their thinking as part of the creative process, developing an ability to re-evaluate goals and objectives and, if needed, adjust their approach to the objective.

Decision-Making: Through both the creative and reflective learning process, students gain greater capacity to question, interpret, and influence their own lives.

Grit: In a high level performance environment, hard work and dedicated practice predict success far more than innate ability. Music performance offers opportunities to fail. Students learn the value of persistence, and of working hard for an uncertain outcome.

Multiple Ways of Knowing: Music study promotes fluency in knowledge systems beyond the linguistic and mathematical, enabling a deeper and broader understanding of our world and of the human experience.

-Taken from

How can you help? Come support the music and art programs at Peck Place at the annual Party for the Arts on Saturday, March 21st from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at Studio 8 in Milford. You donation of a $20 ticket and purchase of raffle tickets at the event will go toward the purchase of new xylophones for the music classroom, as well as new resources and materials for the Band, Orchestra, and Art programs. Click HERE for more information. Thank you in advance for your support!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Chipper Chopper Joe

Click HERE to view Ms. Swanson's class performing "Chipper Chopper Joe" on Orff instruments. Orff Schulwerk, or simply the Orff Approach, is one of several developmental approaches used to teach music education to students that is used daily in the Peck Place music classroom. It combines music, movement, drama, and speech into lessons that are similar to the child's world of play. 

In the Orff Approach, students play rhythm patterns first by using kinesthetic movements, before transferring them to instruments. For example, before playing the "chip chop chip chop" pattern on xylophones, students were asked to clap the rhythm while singing the song. 

Another important aspect of this lesson is audiation. Audiation is a key component of the Gordon Music Learning Theory. It takes place when the students hear and comprehend music in their heads. You will see an example of audiation in the video during the "B" section. The students "think" the song in their heads, yet are still able to play their instruments parts accurately and in tempo.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Folk Dancing!

There is a lot of folk dancing going on during these cold winter months here at Peck Place School! Students in second grade have been working on the "Virginia Reel", a dance that is performed in an "alley" formation. Click HERE to view a performance of the dance by Mrs. Haskos' class. This dance features a step called "cast off" in which partners turn away from each other and walk down the outside of the set, or formation.

Students in fourth grade have been building upon their knowledge of folk dance steps from previous grade levels through square dancing. Square dancing is performed in a "square" formation and requires a much quicker transition between steps, which are given by a "caller". Click HERE to view a performance of "Simple Square" by Mrs. Tickell's class.

Dance and movement are important parts of the general music curriculum. Dance traditions are passed down through generations to celebrate important occasions from diverse cultures. Folk dancing requires rhythmic competence, challenges students to be aware of their bodies physically, and requires them to use their brainpower to keep complicated sequences of movements in their memories.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Grade 6 Reader's Theater

Congratulations to students in Grade 6 on their wonderful Reader's Theater performance on Wednesday afternoon. Through a generous grant from the Jamie A. Hulley Foundation, students had the opportunity to work with Ms. Sarah Guterman for the past two weeks on this project. Each class created a sound carpet incorporating movement, singing, and percussion instruments to complement a work of children’s literature. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Panther Chorus at Qunnipiac

Congratulations to the Panther Chorus members who braved the icy conditions to sing at the Quinnipiac University Women's Basketball game last Sunday. Their performance of "The Star-Spangled Banner" was fantastic and I am very proud of their hard work! Click HERE to view the performance.